Sunday, February 25, 2007

Reflect on What I Have Been Learning in Another Class This Week

“Children's Information Technology and Policy” is another class that I take in this semester. Because the professor went to the Israel, we had another speaker in the class in this week. We discussed on the mobile computing how to using in children library. As we know, there are more and more children use the technology, such as PDA, cell phone, and game in their everyday life. However, we still need to know the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in children library. Of course, the policy of children’s internet protection is also an important issue.


Nina Liakos said...

Indeed, internet safety is a very important issue where children are concerned! Even adults can be fooled by internet predators. Many people are tricked into sharing their personal information to people who will take advantage of that--addresses, bank account and credit card numbers, passwords, and the like. It is very dangerous to put that kind of information on the web unless you yourself have initiated the contact!

Were your listening skills adequate to understand your guest lecturer? I hope so!

I hope you are feeling fine again!

John said...

Hi Jennifer,
Sounds like an interesting topic and an interesting class. About five years ago, I taught several children's classes. I was surprised when one of the kids (she was about seven years old) was showing the other kids her new cell phone! Everyone needs to be cautious about revealing important personal information on the internet, and parents need to monitor their children's use of communication technologies.

As usual, I'm very impressed by your efforts and your struggles, attending a university in a country that is very different from yours. It takes a rare and special person to do that.
