The weather changed to snow on Monday and our school reported that we would not have a class due to the inclement weather. It so luck to everyone who in love, because we got another vocation on Valentine Day.
However, I didn’t expect to have this free day, I could not discuss with my partners on our oral presentation. I tried to connect my partners via E-mail and phone and divided every section that who needs to report it. We chose and saw the video “Jane Goodall: A Life in the Wild” for the oral presentation. It is a challenge for me to make a speech in front of people. Even I did the research in our project; I was so nervous that forget what I want to say.
Hello, Jennifer!
Though you had nothing to do, it was great for you to have an unexpected holiday on Valentine's day!
I know how you feel about making a speech in English in front of people. I too was nervous when I had to make it in my English class in Japan. I'm sure you can do it because you did practice very hard, didn't you? Good luck!
Yes, a Valentine's Day vacation was a welcome treat!
Doing oral presentations in front of the class is challenging for most students. It's hard enough to do in one's first language, but when one has to worry about grammar and pronunciation as well, it's very tough! You did a good job!
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